Monday, January 29, 2007

Great Finds at Estate Sales!

This weekend I spent Thursday and Friday at estate sales. Boy was it successful! The majority of it I found at an Phoenix estate sale on Friday that was the best one I had been to in a long time! There was stuff everywhere. Please forgive my huge picture post.

I saw a basket like this a couple of weeks at Anthropologie and have been wanting to make one but didn't know how. Until now. I found this at a rummage sale for 5 cents!
This cute apple fabric is part of an apron. It is huge so I am thinking of either using the fabric for something else or making the apron smaller.
This cute dress I picked up for two dollars.

There are 1000 vocab cards in this deck I thought would be cool for collage. I don't know whether I will keep these or sell them yet.

I picked up these stamps for 75 cents for all. I might list some of these on Etsy.

I liked the style of this apron but I thought it was a little plain. I was thinking of adding some embroidery or vintage fabrics to this to make it more exciting.

I've been looking for some old measuring tape for a while. I thought it would be cute to use this in some new potholders.

An Old Maid game from the 60's for only 35 cents. I think I'll sell these on Etsy.

An old plastic horse for $1. I saw some similar animals on another blog and had to have this one.

Some trim with "houses". May use this in some potholders but may sell some as well.

Some old hankies made of cotton. Oh how I love colorful cotton hankies.

Some old vintage buttons. May sell but I soooo have a thing for red buttons.

I got a few books as well that I will be selling on Amazon. If only every estate sale weekend was like this.

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